Our Chilis in this house hold tend to be of the turkey variety. We typically do not eat red meat, expect on all major Irish holidays. It's healthier for us and it's the best for us. We try not to eat meat all that often but having a child who needs protein but is allergic/food texture issues to soy, etc makes it hard not to eat meat. We used to not eat any for some time, now we just eat healthy free range organic meats.
My youngest two do not have their taste buds suited to spicy just yet, so I decide to make this a Freeze Ahead Meal for me. Really easy, just put it together and slide it in the oven!
1 pound skinless turkey breasts cubed into one inch pieces (you can use chicken or potatoes.)
1-2 cups vegetable stock
1 packet of McCormick White Chicken Chili seasoning.
1/2 cup small diced white onions
1/2 cup small diced bell peppers(I used red, orange, yellow and green.)
1 can of white northern beans
Tablespoon of EVOO
Whole wheat tortillas
Kraft Mexican Cheese blend
1- In your dutch oven add EVOO, chicken, onions, peppers, beans, seasoning and veg stock. Stir and cook until tender and thickened. I think it took 30-45 at 450 degrees. Let it stand to thicken some more.
2-With another pan warm a tortilla on one side, flip and add cheese, add a thin-ish layer of the chili and fold over the tortilla. Let cool before you cut or the filling will spill out.
2b-If you are doing this for a FAM. Let them cool completely and then cut in half. To freeze take a half and place a piece of parchment paper in between and freeze. To reheat I do 15-30 seconds at a time until warm.
3- Serve with sour cream and enjoy!
*Final notes- I used what think is a 3.5 quart clay dutch oven. I am sure you could cook this on the stove after you cooked the chicken. Also I made the Quesadillas on the non-stick electric griddle. I find that the bigger surface makes it easier to cook and fold.
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